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Who We Are

The Love Works Movement Initiative​ is designed to continually demonstrate acts of love by meeting the needs of those who are less fortunate, or who are experiencing difficult times. Our goal is to individually and collectively submerge ourselves in progressive acts of love that will ultimately bring about a change in our society, a change in our thinking, and personal investment and commitment to the people in need.

The Love Works Movement

Welcome to Perfect Order Love Movement. We welcome all listeners to join us as we embark on the movement to establish unified acts of love. Our Perfect Order family consists of individuals, families, organizations, churches, corporations, government agencies and many more. We presently travel throughout Baltimore with our Prayer Breakfasts & donations to those who are in need, reaching both men and women, church goers and non-church goers. If you can know or even sense being a part of an amazing God-centered movement, please come and experience worship with us.

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